Gas is not safe, not clean, not green. 

The Campaign for A Future WithOut Gas and For Clean Energy (AFWOG) was organized in January 2023 by members of Mothers Out Front Newton, 350Mass Newton, and Green Newton who shared a sense of urgency to achieve the safety and economic security of clean energy and to reduce the enormous cost, risk, waste and pollution of leaky gas pipelines.

We need to stop National Grid from squandering millions of ratepayer dollars on dangerous, wasteful, obsolete fossil fuel infrastructure while ignoring many of Newton's leaks including high volume gas leaks that cause significant environmental harm. We have provided city councilors with evidence that fixing the leaks is more cost effective for ratepayers than pipe replacement. And, repairing the gas leaks doesn't lock us into using gas long after the gas system is obsolete. We want National Grid to #FixTheBigLeaks and plan for a future without gas. 

We support a triage and transition approach to reduce the hazards, pollution and waste of gas and promote efficiencies, electrification and decarbonization. [See : Neighborhood Electrification: A utility-scale solution to a utility-scale problem.]

See current Newton Gas Leaks information at

Newton's 50 largest gas leaks

Information about leaks and gas pipes on a particular Newton street

Newton map

New! Public Facilities Committee 10/23/24 & 12/4/24 and City Council 1/6/25